Diggin’ this embroidered stop-motion by talented craftsman Aubrey Longley-Cook. Check out his awesome blog, spool spectrum, to see more.
[ spool spectrum: Runaway via imgur > Reddit ]
posted by respondcreate on Mar. 03, 2012 in Pictures | tags: animation, aubrey longley-cook, colorful, craft, embroidery, spool spectrum, stop motion
“Adansonia is a genus of eight species of tree, six native to Madagascar, one native to mainland Africa and the Arabian Peninsula and one to Australia. The mainland African species also occurs on Madagascar, but it is not a native of that island…more”
Did you know that 85% of all plant and animal life on Madagascar is found nowhere else on the planet? I recently learned that little factoid (among many other fascinating things) while reading William Finnegan‘s ‘Slow and Steady’, an excellent article about the black market that has sprung up surrounding the almost-extinct ploughshare tortoise in the January 2012 issue of The New Yorker. If you can get your hands on a copy I recommend you check it out.
If anyone knows who took this picture please drop us a line so we can update the post with the proper credit attribution.
[ Madagascar ]
posted by respondcreate on Feb. 25, 2012 in Pictures | tags: chill, madagascar, nature, peaceful, photography, trees
“A master of color and geometric composition, Andy Gilmore’s work is often characterized as kaleidoscopic and hypnotic, though it could just as well be described as visually acoustic, his often complex arrangements referencing the scales and melodies in music…” (more)
I first discovered Andy Gilmore whilst perusing Ghostly’s free-to-download wallpapers page. Even among all the truly top-flight work on display there Andy’s distinct, colorful, geometric and just down-right pleasing images stood out. The Hemicube is currently occupying the base layer of pixels on my Air and a few times already today I’ve employed Exposé to quickly sweep aside any obscuring windows to take in the whole image.
The six images selected here for your perusal were found during a quick once-over of Andy’s massive, seven page archive that houses, at present, one-hundred and fifty four images. So if this didn’t sate your appetite (and why would it?) visit there for a more considered, patient browsing session. Oh, and if you want some that are a suitable size to adorn your desktop just head on over to Ghostly, they’ll take good care of you.
Can I suggest an appropriate auditory accompaniment for your ear drums while your eyes take the colors in? If you’re up for it, give a listen to Get Better John by Mux Mool. I recently picked up his latest album, Planet High School on iTunes and, since then, it’s been in constant rotation through my headphones. Needless to say, I highly recommend you check it out.
[ Andy Gilmore ]
posted by respondcreate on Feb. 17, 2012 in Pictures | tags: andy gilmore, art, colorful, geometric, ghostly international, hypnotic, kaleidoscope, mathematics, trippy
No idea who made this so if anyone knows hit us up and we’ll update the post so credit is given where it’s due. Found via Peter Berkman’s fantastic tumblr.
posted by respondcreate on Feb. 10, 2012 in Pictures | tags: animated gif, animation, anime, art, colorful, future, pixel art, science fiction
[ Best pic I ever found here. ]
posted by respondcreate on Jan. 26, 2012 in Pictures | tags: blue, nature, ocean, photography, whales
I came across this image while browsing around Peter Berkman’s tumblr (one of muh faves) and decided to go deeper.
[ Fractal Hulk via PEEEETER BERRRKMAN ]
posted by respondcreate on Nov. 11, 2011 in Pictures | tags: fractals, hulk hogan, lolwat
“Working three-dimensionally has just always been more satisfying; I’ve always had the urge to build…I find, for me, it’s easier to express my ideas building things; actually making something.”
AJ Fosik creates fantastic, intricately detailed sculptures from wood, paint and nails. There’s not much more to say beyond that; his work speaks for itself. There’s two fantastic videos on the ‘tubes about AJ you should check out:
The first shows him at work – from the initial sketches to the final coat of paint – on the bust that adorns the cover of Mastodon‘s The Hunter. The second, an interview done by kwalitymedia, has AJ describing his motivations, inspirations and overall creative process.
A big thanks to lolo for writing in and introducing us to Mr. Fosik…cheers!
[ AJ Fosik ]
posted by respondcreate on Nov. 04, 2011 in Pictures | tags: art, bizarre, colorful, nature, psychedelic, sculpture, trippy
I stumbled on this image last week and immediately assumed it was by Uno Moralez. I headed over to his site/Tumblr/LJ to see if he had recently uploaded new work but I couldn’t find this particular image anywhere. I hit up the Googs’ next and still couldn’t track down a proper URL. So for now, I’m just gonna assume Uno made it and direct your attention to his website. If anyone knows definitively where/who this came from drop us a line and we’ll update the post ASAP (see below). I had to do a bit of cropping to fit within the constraints of the site so click here for the full business.
Moar Uno Moralez on The Tripatorium™.
UPDATE 2011/10/09: A big thanks to Charlotte who sent us the link to this image’s original home on Uno’s LJ.
[ supernature! ]
posted by respondcreate on Oct. 06, 2011 in Pictures | tags: aliens, art, buggin out, colorful, illustration, pixel art, trippy, uno moralez
“Project Noah is a tool to explore and document wildlife and a platform to harness the power of citizen scientists everywhere”.
In other words, Project Noah is yet another way the internet is allowing people to gather their data and information and share it with the world, That data, in this case, is beautiful (and often trippy, of course) photos of nature at it’s most intriguing and complex. Check out their full gallery for more, and see what people are submitting to the site currently.
[ Project Noah ]
posted by tizmatti on Aug. 27, 2011 in Pictures | tags: animals, nature, photography, project noah, trippy
Rodney Montenegro wrote in with a hot tip to check out http://sillypinkbunnies.com, the online home of super-talent Jeremy Fish. This is just an ultra-small sampling of Jeremy’s vast portfolio – a mere appetizer – so click here when you’re ready to dive into the main course. So then, what would this link be? An apéritif? Dessert? Just another course? Perhaps it would be best to get straight to the point and put it plainly: it’s a high definition, Jay-Z backed time lapse video of Jeremy painting. So yeah, watch that. It’s awesome.
Thanks, Rodney!
[ Silly Pink Bunnies | The Artwork of Jeremy Fish ]
posted by respondcreate on Jul. 12, 2011 in Pictures | tags: art, colorful, illustration, jeremy fish, nature, trippy