Meet the eastern emerald elysia (elysia chlorotica) a sea slug that gains some of it’s energy via photosynthesis from chloroplasts, genes and cell-parts it has integrated into it’s body from the algae it routinely dines on. It’s a water and grass type! Read more about this fascinating creature on the mother nature network.
FUN FACT: If you live near salt marshes in New England or Canada you could go and catch one yourself. If you keep it in an aquarium that has light shining on it for 12 or more hours a day you’ll never have to feed it.
[ Bizarre sea slug is half plant, half animal ]
posted by respondcreate on Oct. 23, 2010 in Pictures | tags: canada, eastern emerald elysia, elysia chlorotica, light, nature, new england, ocean, pokemon, sea slug
I bet the model used for the image was the same guy doin’ the shoppin’.
posted by respondcreate on Oct. 22, 2010 in Pictures | tags: body, foot strumming, guitar, lol, lolwat, shopped
Taken at the Nara Deer Park in Kyoto, Japan by mcazadi. Click the image to see a larger version.
posted by respondcreate on Oct. 22, 2010 in Pictures | tags: deer, fawn, japan, kyoto, mcazadi, nara deer park, peaceful
Who else knew that BJ Novak and House had a love-child?
[ fukung: Russian Plumber looks totally familiar. ]
posted by respondcreate on Oct. 22, 2010 in Pictures | tags: bj novak, house, hugh laurie, love child, russian plumber
This is what a MRI of a pineapple looks like.
[ Pineapple MRI via ]
posted by respondcreate on Oct. 22, 2010 in Pictures | tags: fukung, mri, pineapple
posted by respondcreate on Oct. 22, 2010 in Pictures | tags: animation, trippy, woob
[ pic-unrelated.gif via fukung ]
posted by respondcreate on Oct. 22, 2010 in Pictures | tags: backwards 12, clouds, dolphin, grandma, jockey, lol, lolwat, splash
Did you know that during the summer months a single bee is only alive for around 40 days? During that time they are constantly in motion and eventually their wing muscles give out due to pure exhaustion. It must be because they’re so excited to keep doing this kinda stuff.
[ Bee Heaven via StumbleUpon ]
posted by respondcreate on Oct. 19, 2010 in Pictures | tags: bees, destiny, flower, nature, pollen
I want to go to there.
[ Magic via StumbleUpon ]
posted by respondcreate on Oct. 18, 2010 in Pictures | tags: boat, i want to go to there, lake, mountain, sunshine, trees