Bal Soora took this fantastic photograph of his son’s Gargoyle Gecko, a species (Rhacodactylus auriculatus) unique to the southern end of New Caledonia.
posted by respondcreate on Jul. 09, 2011 in Pictures | tags: bal soora, colorful, eye, gecko, lizard, nature, photography, trippy
Arian wrote in and tipped us off to these wonderful alien liquid-scapes by Mark Mawson. We selected our personal favorites to feature here but there’s loads more to see on both the Aqueous and Aqueous II project pages.
Thanks, Arian!
Related: Ink + Water
posted by respondcreate on Jun. 01, 2011 in Pictures | tags: alien, art, colorful, liquid, mark mawson, photography, trippy
“Haroshi makes his art pieces recycling old used skateboards. His creations are born through styles such as wooden mosaic, dots, and pixels; where each element, either cut out in different shapes or kept in their original form, are connected in different styles, and shaven into the form of the final art piece.” - from Haroshi’s official site. His stuff is unique, colorful, and of course, trippy. Enjoy!
posted by tizmatti on May. 24, 2011 in Pictures | tags: art, haroshi, sculpture, skateboarding
John Kenn is an animator for children’s television shows in Denmark, but in his spare time he likes to draw these monster scenes on yellow stationary notes. They are very reminiscent of Edward Gorey, as I’m sure a lot of people will notice. It’s impressive that this is what this guy just does for fun. Check out his full gallery for more awesomeness.
[ Don Kenn Gallery via BuzzFeed ]
posted by tizmatti on May. 22, 2011 in Pictures | tags: art, drawing, edward gorey, illustration, john kenn, monsters
“Traditional Bajau cosmology - a syncretism of animism and Islam - reveals a complex relationship with the ocean, which for them is a multifarious and living entity. There are spirits in currents and tides, in coral reefs and mangroves…more”
I absolutely love this photograph James Morgan took of Enal, a young Bajau in Indonesia, playing with Wangi Wangi, his pet shark, that he keeps in a pen underneath his stilted house in Wangi, Indonesia. Read more about the Bajau, the last true nomads of the sea, and see loads more fantastic pictures over at James Morgan’s site.
[ The Bajau Laut via Neatorama ]
posted by respondcreate on May. 11, 2011 in Pictures | tags: bajau, friendship, james morgan, nature, pets, photography, shark, tribal
“Kris spent his youth in rural seclusion and isolation along with a blue-collar, working mother, two significantly older brothers, and an absent father. Open country, sparse trees, and alcoholic stepfather, all paving the way for an individual saturated in imagination and introversion. His propensity for the unusual has been a constant since childhood, a lifelong fascination that lent itself to his macabre art later in life. The grotesque to him, as it seemed, was beautiful…more”
Kris Kuksi is a super-talented painter/sculptor whose work is exhibited in galleries all over the world and collected by folks like Robin Williams and Guillermo del Toro. The six images I have collected here are but a small sampling so, if you dig what you see, be sure head over to Kris’ site to see loads more.
In honor of today, the twentieth of April, we’ll be posting some ‘best of The Tripatorium™’ over on our Facebook page. Your presence is officially requested.
[ Kris Kuksi ]
posted by respondcreate on Apr. 20, 2011 in Pictures | tags: art, bizarre, colorful, kris kuksi, macabre, painting, psychedelic, sculpture, spirituality, trippy
To infinity, and beyond!
posted by respondcreate on Apr. 15, 2011 in Pictures | tags: astronaut, baby, fukung, lol, lolwat, space
Italian artist/designer/illustrator/photographer, Alberto Seveso, dropped colored ink into water and then photographed it at high-speed. Brilliant. He was kind enough to create a series of hi-res wallpapers using the same technique. Also brilliant. See more of Alberto’s work on his website.
[ Disastro Ecologico (wallpaper serie) via Unstage ]
posted by respondcreate on Apr. 11, 2011 in Pictures | tags: abstract, art, colorful, high speed photography, italian, photography, trippy, wallpaper
“One frame of this image was taken each Jupiter day (approximately 10 hours) between January 6 and February 9, 1979, as the space probe [Voyager I] flew from 58 million to 31 million kilometers from Jupiter during that time. The small, round, dark spots appearing in some frames are the shadows cast by the moons passing between Jupiter and the Sun, while the small, white flashes around the planet, are the moons themselves.”
Inspired by the gorgeous shot of Jupiter’s ‘Great Red Spot’ tizmatti posted a couple of weeks back, I decided to read up on Jupiter’s unique atmosphere. Turns out it’s a pretty tumultuous place comprised of constantly shifting cloud layers and swirling, violent vortices (of which the ‘Great Red Spot’ is the largest). It’s truly fascinating stuff.
[ NASA: Jupiter via Wikipedia ]
posted by respondcreate on Apr. 08, 2011 in Pictures | tags: animated gif, astronomy, jupiter, nasa, science, space, time lapse, voyager
“Twice a year, SDO enters an eclipse season where the spacecraft slips behind Earth for up to 72 minutes a day. Unlike the crisp shadow one sees on the sun during a lunar eclipse, Earth’s shadow has a variegated edge due to its atmosphere, which blocks the sun light to different degrees depending on its density.”
This image comes to us courtesy of NASA’s Solar Dynamic Observatory – for more fantastic hi-def imagery of the cosmos head over to the NASA Goddard Photo and Video’s Flickr stream.
[ SDO Sees Spring Eclipse via Gizmodo ]
posted by respondcreate on Apr. 04, 2011 in Pictures | tags: astronomy, eclipse, nasa, sdo, space, sun