”The band (Darren Seltmann, Robbie Chater, Tony Diblasi and Manabu Etoh) bought all their instruments at junk shops, where they also discovered piles of old records. When Etoh was deported and Alarm 115 ended, these records became the core of a new project. Chater was a film student at RMIT, and had access to a recording studio there, which he and Seltmann used to turn said vinyl into a 30-song demo tape labeled Pan Amateurs…more on wikipedia”
Joe wrote in with a fantastic suggestion to check out a music video made for Frontier Psychiatrist, a tune by The Avalanches, an interesting electronic music project out of Melbourne Australia. I really enjoyed it and – while unsuccessfully trying to track down an HD version – came across this, the attached video, that I’d really like you to see. My Google-fu wasn’t able to find any creative credits so if someone out there knows made this don’t hesitate to drop us a line (see below). In the meantime enjoy the sunny-side, good times vibe of the three-quarter time waltz-hop as it contrasts with some strange, monochromatic and vaguely dark but-not-quite-so-even-though-yeah-it’s-still-weird visuals. Enjoy!
Thanks for introducing me to some new music, Joe! Cheers!
UPDATE: Turns out the visuals were lifted from Quimby The Mouse, an animation created by the über-talented Chris Ware for This American Life. A big thanks goes to Hang Goon for writing in to set the record straight!
[ The Avalanches - Two Hearts In 3/4 Time ]
posted by respondcreate on Sep. 04, 2011 in Videos | tags: animation, australian, bizarre, chill, chris ware, good times, monochromatic, music video, samples, the avalanches, this american life, trippy, vinyl
“So you’ve heard of every instrument but?
Torn from your history books is this pianola,
This harpsichord of harm.
The cruelest instrument to spawn from man’s grey cerebral soup.
The Cat Piano.”
KC Gordon posted this gem to our Facebook wall over a week ago and it’s a shame that it took us so long to get it up on the site. ‘The Cat Piano’ is a fantastic eight-and-a-half minute animated short based on a poem by Eddie White. Eddie, along with Ari Gibson, directed the film, Nick Cave provided the narration and animation duties were expertly handled by The People’s Republic of Animation. The whole film is great but we especially enjoy the sequence that starts at 4:52. Enjoy!
Thanks for the heads-up, KC! If you’ve got anything that you think would be perfect for The Tripatorium™ you can submit your suggestions either here on the site or on our Facebook page.
[ The Cat Piano ]
posted by respondcreate on Jun. 21, 2011 in Videos | tags: animation, ari gibson, australian, colorful, dark, eddie white, hd, nick cave, poetry, the people's republic of animation, trippy
“Painstakingly animated frame by frame, the piece is all shot in camera, by real people, in the real world, using long exposure techniques.”
Darcy Prendergast and the talented folks at OH YEAH WOW composed this chill, contemplative (and trippy) music video for All India Radio using long exposure light paintings. Serving Suggestion: lights dimmed and headphones on with phasers set to maximum mellow. Enjoy!
A big thanks goes to Tyler Vanston for the submission, cheers!
posted by respondcreate on May. 03, 2011 in Videos | tags: all india radio, animation, australian, chill, colorful, darcy prendergast, hd, light painting, long exposure, music video, oh yeah wow, stop motion