Posts tagged 'Evolution'

Fight For Everyone

“Is it easy to relax when you’re told you’ll never fail?”

A whimsical-yet-dark and bizarre music video – created by Persistent Peril for The Leisure Society – where an all-powerful hand lovingly creates a planet teeming with life before having second thoughts…

Garth Jones, Ginny Jones, Mark Billington and Emma Wakely – who handled the animation in the attached – deserve a special mention. Their ability to consistently pull off such descriptive motion in few-seconds-long vignettes using a cast of minimally constructed figures shows their proficiency for the medium.


P.S. When you’re done here I recommend giving Noise Trade, another fantastic Persistent Peril-created music video, a watch next.

[ 'Fight For Everyone' Music Promo ]


“A set of strange creatures whose instincts instead of focusing on survival seem doomed them to an absurd and comic extinction, in the presence of the astonished gaze of the narrator.”

File under: LOLWAT

I had been (im)patiently waiting for El Señor Studio to finally post this, their peculiar ‘nature’ documentary spoof, after first seeing its trailer back in the summer of 2011. Prepare yourself for an unexpected, bizarre treat…ENJOY!

P.S. If you enjoyed the attached, definitely give this a watch next.

[ Doomed: a biological cartoon! ]


“In this endless freedom of thought you found no answers to these basic matters of human being, only a myriad choice of ideas lost in a deep dark hole of uncertainty.”

My first thought after watching the attached was, ‘this could have easily been in The Animatrix,’ so prep yourself for some late-night, cerebral, sci-fi shit. It was inspired by GOLEM XIV, a short story by Stanislaw Lew, and its visuals, atmospheric soundtrack and cold, sterile narration all pay proper homage to the deep, apprehensive spirit of his writings.

Co-directors Patrick Mccue and Tobias Wiesner said that their creative intention for the film was to inspire others to, ‘face [their] own process in this world with reflection and self responsibility, to stay curious and create, look for new ideas and stay keen,’ so get your mind shifted into the proper gear for maximum absorption.

For me, that means full-screen-in-a-dark-room with a nice pair of headphones on.

A big thanks to Dave Hughes – the man behind [adult swim]‘s deliciously bizarre Off The Air – for sending this one our way. Cheers, Dave!


Putty Boy Strut

Been itchin’ to post this one since last Wednesday when I first saw it pop-up in Mr. Lotus’ twitter feed. He’s got a new album, Until The Quiet Comes, set to drop on October 1st and made the brilliant decision to hire Sir Cyriak to create a video to promote it’s release.

It’s a true collaboration and exactly what you’d expect when creatives of this caliber combine their unique skill sets. The tune itself fuses together two of Flying Lotus’ fortés: sterile, machine-pulsed-and-stripped-down beats and his trademark spacey, rambling, warm-and-jazzy tones. Cyriak takes that contrast and runs with it, creating a world populated with regiments of single-purpose robots that is forever changed after one of them spontaneously evolves, trading in its initial programming for a more familiar-to-us set of survival-of-the-fittest, kill-or-be-killed instincts. The video escalates in typical Cyriak fractal-fashion, progressing in complexity from the micro to the macro until everything-is-everything and then back again. Word.

It’s a treat, y’all. ENJOY!

FYI: Both our Flying Lotus and Cyriak feeds are packed with fantastic videos.

[ Flying Lotus - Putty Boy Strut (Until The Quiet Comes, new album out October 1st/2nd) ]

A Bridge Too Far

“As part of the M1 motorway upgrade scheme the Highways Agency (Yorkshire and Humber) closed the A1, North Yorkshire between Junction 60 (near Darlington) and Junction 49 (Dishforth). Saturday 9 April - Sunday 10 April 2011”

Time lapse has a way of distorting reality that can sometimes provide new perspectives beyond the obvious ‘this is what things would look like if everything moved faster.’ For one, I never noticed how construction equipment looks a lot like insects. Another: human beings have come a long way. If it was possible to significantly increase the time lapse interval (from seconds to centuries) we could witness first hand the insane reality that we’ve gone from nomadic hunter-gatherers to bridge-builders(/destroyers) to iPhone designers in just a handful of millennia. Whoa.

James Miller (the chap who created this) made the right call for the soundtrack; Angèle Dubeau & La Pietà‘s I. Relaxed Groove is anything but, tumbling along with a frentic, exacting precision that’s a fitting compliment to what’s happening in frame.

A big thanks to Ian Bertolacci who suggested we check it out. Cheers!

[ A Bridge Too Far ]


A generous helping of bizarre courtesy of Animatorio‘s stop-motion wizardry. It’s very Burton-esque and just the thing to get you into the Halloween spirit. Enjoy!

P.S. Click here for a behind the scenes look into how Neomorphus was created.

[ Neomorphus ]

The Murf

A story about growing up in the universe.

Oh shit! This might be, no joke, my new favorite video on the site. Scott Benson (he did episode 8 of the Animation Tag Attack) crafted this gorgeously animated music video for UK-based progressive electronic act, Rendezvous who were rad enough to give him complete creative freedom. PRO TIP for bands/clients who will work with Scott in the future: do the same, the man knows how to make some engaging watchables.

The overall narrative of human evolution is built through a series of brief, tightly edited vignettes (some lasting only a few seconds) that each inject a new unique dimension to the story while simultaneously advancing the overarching theme of how religion, spirituality and technology have the power to amplify and/or diminish our inner animal nature. Each one is polished to a high-sheen and a delight to take in (especially the gorgeous ‘shines’, bursts and abstracted geometric particle effects); this is one of those videos you’ll re-watch immediately after it ends.

If your reading this post in a dark room with nothing to do tomorrow: great! Click full screen, grab your headphones and enjoy. If you’re at work or have other stuff to do then do yourself a favor and bookmark this or leave yourself a note to watch it when you have the time to really enjoy what Mr. Benson has created. Enjoy!

Oh, right! I almost forgot! If you’re into process then don’t miss this write up on Scott’s blog where he goes into detail behind his thinking and motivation behind how and why he created The Murf.

P.S. If you liked this (which of course you did), I think you’ll also enjoy Thursday.

[ Rendezvous - The Murf ]

How Will You Create The Universe?

“How will it be when you can choose what you turn into? Time to grooooooooow!”

It’s a two-for-one Encyclopedia Pictura Friday! These guys – Isaiah Saxon, Sean Hellfritsch and Daren Rabinovitch – make such awesome stuff. Can some big Hollywood studio just give them gobs of money to make a full-length feature?

Related: Wanderlust

[ How Will You Create The Universe? ]

Walks of Life

Cayla Darling was kind enough to write in and tell us about an animation Cyriak created for Short Stories, a Showtime-sponsored series that challenges filmmakers to “tell a short story in an innovative way.” Mr. Harris’ chosen story was that of evolution and, as usual, delivered the goods. Thanks for the internets, Cayla!

[ SHORT stories: Walks of Life - Cyriak ]

Big Bang Big Boom

The latest large-scale-abstract-animated-graffiti-story-telling masterpiece from Blu. He describes it as, “an unscientific point of view on the beginning and evolution of life…and how it could probably end.”

[ BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU via StumbleUpon ]