Absolutely loving this two-and-a-half minute dose of delicate, hypnotic, hand-drawn, constantly-morphing line animation from Katayama Takuto. The sparse, plodding piano backing (by Kikuchi Ryouta) compliments the visuals quite nicely, too. Enjoy!
[ 異化した視覚 / Dissimilated Vision ]
posted by respondcreate on Oct. 11, 2012 in Videos | tags: animation, delicate, eye, hand drawn, hd, hypnotic, katayama takuto, kikuchi ryouta, monochromatic, piano, trippy
Bal Soora took this fantastic photograph of his son’s Gargoyle Gecko, a species (Rhacodactylus auriculatus) unique to the southern end of New Caledonia.
posted by respondcreate on Jul. 09, 2011 in Pictures | tags: bal soora, colorful, eye, gecko, lizard, nature, photography, trippy