Today’s allotment of mellow vibes comes courtesy of Daniel Csobot (visuals) and Daniel Gautreau (tunes). ENJOY!
If you enjoyed the attached and would like to see more videos like it, I’d suggesting visiting our time lapse feed next.
[ Macro Timelapse ]
posted by respondcreate on Jul. 13, 2013 in Videos | tags: chill, daniel csobot, daniel gautreau, flower, hd, mellow, nature, plants, time lapse, trippy
Did you know that during the summer months a single bee is only alive for around 40 days? During that time they are constantly in motion and eventually their wing muscles give out due to pure exhaustion. It must be because they’re so excited to keep doing this kinda stuff.
[ Bee Heaven via StumbleUpon ]
posted by respondcreate on Oct. 19, 2010 in Pictures | tags: bees, destiny, flower, nature, pollen