WOW. This gorgeous three and a half minute trip-fest of undulating, constantly-morphing animation by Masanobu Hiraoka (of Je Regarde) demands to be watched on the largest display currently at your disposal. Grab your headphones, too; Aimar Molero‘s music/sound design properly sets the atmosphere and breathes life into the sloshing, shifting abstract forms.
A big thanks is due to Carl Burton for the heads-up on Twitter. If you haven’t seen his excellent short film Shelter yet I suggest making time to do so at your earliest convenience.
Oh and be sure to check out our Je Regarde feed, it’s full of other fantastic watchables.
[ Land via @carlburton ]
posted by respondcreate on Sep. 11, 2013 in Videos | tags: aimar molero, animation, atmospheric, bizarre, colorful, gorgeous, hd, je regarde, masanobu hiraoka, morph, psychedelic, trippy
Premier Automne was created by a dream-team of French filmmakers/animators from Je Regarde, Melting Productions and InEfecto and is so out-of-this-world wonderful that, beyond mentioning my über-affection for the final sequence that runs from 8:34-9:01, I don’t want to say anything else as it might ruin the magic of watching this gem for the first time in a dark room with with a nice pair headphones strapped to your ears.
If you’re interested in process than the ‘Making of’ is can’t-miss – as is Do I Have Power?, a music video we posted a couple of Halloweens back by Carlos De Carvalho, one of the co-directors of the attached. Enjoy!
posted by respondcreate on Mar. 29, 2013 in Videos | tags: animation, atmospheric, aude danset, carlos de carvalho, colorful, etheral, fantasy, hd, inefecto, je regarde, melting productions, nature, summer, trippy, winter
“In a movement of a thousand helping hands,
I am not beyond the saccharine of sycophantic rants.
In a moment of a wilderness exposed,
Is this lack of wisdom better than a charismatic soul?”
Lovin’ this ominous, spooky and monochromatic music video for Timber Timbre as directed by Carlos De Carvalho with animation from Pierric Danjou, Thomas Lecourt and Charles Lemor. Happy Halloween, y’all!
[ Do I Have Power - Timber timbre (2011) ]
posted by respondcreate on Oct. 31, 2011 in Videos | tags: animation, carlos de carvalho, death, french, hd, horror, insects, je regarde, monochromatic, music video, shame, skeleton, timber timbre