Posts tagged 'Night'


First off, you better have some killer headphones at the ready before diving into the attached. I honestly can’t remember ever featuring a video with better sound design; it’s easily the star of the show.

That’s not to say the visuals are in any way lacking – they aren’t – but having such well-mixed, tangible foley work and layered, atmospheric background noise goes a long way to selling the immersion…especially when dealing with subject matter as conceptually out-there as this.

I don’t want to spoil where this one is headed but my favorite sequence kicks off at 4:38. Over the course of a scant 30 seconds, director Carl Burton makes four perfectly-timed cuts that both establish the scene and give you a concrete sense of place within it. My first viewing was late last night and the instant sense of ‘cozy’ I felt at 5:00 was palpable; it was as if I was there, temporarily shielded from the rain. It’s magic; just stellar stuff.

A big thanks is due to the aforementioned Mr. Burton who took the time to write-in and share his work with us. For the measly asking price of $3 you can own an HD download of Shelter, an 18-page making-of PDF and a bunch of wallpapers. It might seem silly to spend money on something you just, moments ago, saw for free (legally, too) but whenever I do I feel better. Why?

  1. He didn’t have to ask.
  2. I didn’t have to give.

It’s a truly voluntary act that helps break up the monotony of my daily obligations and an opportunity to express my appreciation for art someone made beyond a ‘Like’ or a ‘Comment’. It’s IRL ‘Like’. It’s ‘Here, I want you to make something else awesome real soon, please.’ Facilitating that is easily worth the price of a coffee.

[ Shelter ]

Glowing Man

Serving instructions: best seen in full-screen HD late at night in a pitch-dark room. Enjoy! (Well done, Jacob Sutton!)

[ Glowing Man HD ]


“No matter gain or grim, it’s those tiny little sparks,
In daily life that makes me forget my wounded heart.”

I can’t recommend Röyksopp enough; whether it’s their ‘choons or their videos, it’s always a treat. Enjoy the mellow, drift away on the chill.

If you’re diggin’ this one I recommend watching Eple next.

[ Röyksopp - Sparks ]

A Bridge Too Far

“As part of the M1 motorway upgrade scheme the Highways Agency (Yorkshire and Humber) closed the A1, North Yorkshire between Junction 60 (near Darlington) and Junction 49 (Dishforth). Saturday 9 April - Sunday 10 April 2011”

Time lapse has a way of distorting reality that can sometimes provide new perspectives beyond the obvious ‘this is what things would look like if everything moved faster.’ For one, I never noticed how construction equipment looks a lot like insects. Another: human beings have come a long way. If it was possible to significantly increase the time lapse interval (from seconds to centuries) we could witness first hand the insane reality that we’ve gone from nomadic hunter-gatherers to bridge-builders(/destroyers) to iPhone designers in just a handful of millennia. Whoa.

James Miller (the chap who created this) made the right call for the soundtrack; Angèle Dubeau & La Pietà‘s I. Relaxed Groove is anything but, tumbling along with a frentic, exacting precision that’s a fitting compliment to what’s happening in frame.

A big thanks to Ian Bertolacci who suggested we check it out. Cheers!

[ A Bridge Too Far ]


Love this surfing video by filmmaker Iker Elorrieta. Elorrieta filmed at night off the Canary Islands of Spain, then edited (adding stars and moon, effects) to create a beautiful short piece. I hope he tries his hand at a longer feature soon.

[ Nightsurf via BuzzBrewery ]