Posts tagged 'Paint'


When Ironlak discovered a large warehouse in Brisbane was marked for demolition they arranged for Sofles, Fintan Magee, Treas and Quench to have unfettered access to its interior walls. Luckily, Selina Miles was there to capture their aerosol orgy in gorgeous time lapse so we could all experience what happened. ENJOY!

Thanks for writing in to share this with us, Nathan! Cheers!!

P.S. For more, be sure to check out our graffiti and time lapse feeds.



I’m not quite sure I understand the credits for this one. It was made by Barcelona-based Dvein forThe Vein’ but the client was Adobe? Maybe you can make better sense of it...

The Who’s and What’s don’t really matter though cause the visuals in the attached are off-the-chain great and super-trippy; if you’re a regular visitor here I’m confident you’ll love it. My only gripe is that it’s far too short, I can watch stuff like this for hours.

P.S. If you’re interested in process then definitely give the ‘making of’ a watch, too.

[ The Vein / Magma ]


Hey! Look! It’s high-speed footage of floating paint! You’re welcome. :)

Directed by Johann Coors and Siggi Kuckstein; editing and compositing by MIchael Koch and Michael Lüben; top-flight music and sound design by Kian Djialili. Sehr gut, meine Freunde!

[ floating ]