I found this little gem by Fabian Grodde while perusing the Vimeo Festival Awards picks for 2011. I’ll leave the flowery prose to a minimum; it’d be a crime to spoil the surprise. However, I should probably mention that you need to grab your headphones as the music/sound-design by Alexander Binder and Johann Niegl is top-flight. Enjoy!
P.S. Go vote! Below is a list of all the videos currently in the running that we’ve posted to the site, organized by the category they are nominated in. To show your support, click the link next to the category name and it’ll take you to the appropriate voting page…you should be able to figure it out from there.
Music Videos (vote link):
Animation (vote link):
Motion Graphics (vote link):
Lyrical (vote link):
[ Crossover ]
posted by respondcreate on Apr. 24, 2012 in Videos | tags: alexander binder, animation, fabian grodde, hd, horror, insects, johann niegl, nature, spider, tribal, trippy
“Blindness to suffering is an inherent consequence of natural selection. Nature is neither kind nor cruel but indifferent.” –Richard Dawkins
Everything about ‘Loom’ is right: the animation, the pacing, the gorgeous sound design, the cinematography, the concept – everything. Don’t watch this until you’ve got some time set aside to really soak it in. That means headphones, full-screen, HD, dimmed lights and your full, undivided attention; prepare yourself for a treat.
Cheers to Polynoid for the fantastic execution: direction by Jan Bitzer, Ilija Brunck and Csaba Letay, technical direction from Fabian Pross and sound design by Joel Corelitz of waveplant. Lots of other talented folks were involved so be sure to check out the full credits.
Some well deserved gratitude is owed to Sam Lillard for the excellent submission: thanks, Sam!
[ Loom ]
posted by respondcreate on May. 25, 2011 in Videos | tags: abstract, animation, hd, insects, nature, polynoid, spider, trippy