Premier Automne was created by a dream-team of French filmmakers/animators from Je Regarde, Melting Productions and InEfecto and is so out-of-this-world wonderful that, beyond mentioning my über-affection for the final sequence that runs from 8:34-9:01, I don’t want to say anything else as it might ruin the magic of watching this gem for the first time in a dark room with with a nice pair headphones strapped to your ears.
If you’re interested in process than the ‘Making of’ is can’t-miss – as is Do I Have Power?, a music video we posted a couple of Halloweens back by Carlos De Carvalho, one of the co-directors of the attached. Enjoy!
posted by respondcreate on Mar. 29, 2013 in Videos | tags: animation, atmospheric, aude danset, carlos de carvalho, colorful, etheral, fantasy, hd, inefecto, je regarde, melting productions, nature, summer, trippy, winter
“I hear a noise, I put the spell, I put the coin,
Into the wishing well.
You make a point, I make a yell,
I am alive I make a yell into the wishing well.”
Tobias Stretch provides his bizarre directorial panache to this stop motion music video for multi-national indie dance outfit, Crystal Fighters. Prepare to soak in the strangeness, friends.
[ In The Summer by Crystal Fighters ]
posted by respondcreate on Jul. 14, 2011 in Videos | tags: bizarre, colorful, crystal fighters, fantasy, music video, nature, stop motion, summer, tobias stretch