“Argyle The Octopus lived in the sea, his skin was different than you and me…”
Today’s timeless life lesson comes courtesy of the always-excellent, Yo Gabba Gabba. It was made for kids but I think it should be mandatory viewing for adults, too. Illustrations by Colt Bowden, animation by Keri Rainock and adorable narration via Ollie Schultz (‘udder’ ftw). A big thanks goes to Lori for posting a Yo Gabba Gabba video to our Facebook wall – we watched it, loved it and then saw this in the sidebar which is what led to this very post. Ahhhhh, internet.
[ Colt Bowden - Argyle The Octopus - Yo Gabba Gabba ]
posted by respondcreate on Mar. 18, 2011 in Videos | tags: animation, colorful, colt bowden, hd, keri rainock, life lessons, nature, ocean, octopus, udder, yo gabba gabba