“Now your bowl is empty and your feet are cold,
And your body cannot stop rocking.
I know…it hurts to let go.
This one’s a bit melancholy but, don’t despair, it’s also sweet and poignant so the net outcome skews towards reflection, not sadness. Ari Gibson channels a Miyazaki-esque vibe in this music video for Gotye that does a terrific job of exploring the weird, heady gumbo of new (often times conflicting) emotions and experiences that define our transition to adulthood. What gets lost as we grow up? Can we get it back?
The synergy between the visuals and the music is fantastic so make sure HD (available in both 720 and 1080p) is selected and the headphones are on. Enjoy! Oh, and Ari also directed The Cat Piano, an excellent short film we posted back in June so I’d recommend giving that a watch next.
[ Gotye- Bronte- official film clip (HD) via iamdonald ]
posted by respondcreate on Dec. 09, 2011 in Videos | tags: animation, ari gibson, contemplative, forest, gotye, growing up, hd, music video, nature, trippy