“Cartoon Network recently put together a crew of animators from around the world to create their new summer ident in the form of an animated exquisite corpse. Each team/animator was given 10 seconds of music, 4 colours and tons of Cartoon Network characters to work with. At the end of the project, in true exquisite corpse fashion, each piece was stiched together. This is the result!”
Absolutely loving this Voltron of rad animation Cartoon Network commissioned for their Summer 2013 ident. The talent (in order of appearance): Alex Grigg & Eamonn O’Neill (of Late Night Work Club fame), Impactist (who also provided the soundtrack to the attached), CRCR, Rubber House and Awesome Incorporated.
[ Cartoon Network Summer Ident 2013 ]
posted by respondcreate on Jun. 09, 2013 in Videos | tags: adventure time, alex grigg, animation, awesome incorporated, cartoon network, colorful, crcr, eamonn o'neill, exquisite corpse, hd, impactist, rubber house, trippy