Straight-away I was reminded of Jake Fried, but only in materials/process. It’s clear that Emanuele is also intuitively fleshing out the movement frame-by-frame as he goes but his work is unique in that there’s no figurative elements to recognize; only abstract geometry and form that, when quilted together, comes across as both familiar and foreign.
I’m reminded of the notebooks I used to fill with random scribbles while bored out of my mind in high school: I’d start with a stray line or a random shape and then try to make sense of it with the remaining paper, as if the choatic mess left by my pen was what I had intended to create from the beginning. It was a way to pass the time and entertain myself instead of blankly staring at the clock, fantasizing about the bell that would eventually set me free.
Thanks for passing this one along, Sam Lillard!
P.S. I recommend giving Jake’s work a look when you’re done here.
posted by respondcreate on Feb. 23, 2014 in Videos | tags: animation, atmospheric, drawing, emanuele kabu, geometric, geometry, hd, time lapse, trippy