Another fantastic, oozing-with-style animated short from the talented students at Gobelins. This particular gem – by David François, Rony Hotin, Jérémie Moreau, Baptiste Rogron, Gaëlle Thierry and Maïlys Vallade with music from Romain Gauthier – about a lighthouse keeper who is unexpectedly awoken in the middle of the night was created in 2009 and won the ‘Best Graduation Film’ in 2010 at Annecy. Watch and see why. Enjoy!
[ Le phare ]
posted by respondcreate on Jan. 08, 2012 in Videos | tags: animation, baptiste rogron, david françois, french, gaëlle thierry, gobelins, hd, insects, jérémie moreau, lighthouse, maïlys vallade, ocean, romain gauthier, rony hotin