Posts tagged 'Deer'

Feed me rainbows

File under: LOLWAT

Bizarre, polygonal visuals from Marco Morandi set to some ethereal, atmospheric tunes by Ninca Leece. Thanks again, internet!

[ Feed me rainbows ]

Let’s Face Symmetry

Argentine motion/design house 2veinte took a break from their for-pay work to create thirty seconds of strange, bizarre, colorful animation backed with some very nice sound design by Martin Salfity (so grab your headphones). Enjoy!

[ Let's Face Symmetry ]

Release The Freq

Kim Holm serves up a stunner for UK dubstep outfit, Matta. I dig how he combined the dissimilar elements of nature documentary-type footage with abstract colorful shapes/gradients and hi-tech interface elements to create something completely unique. It compliments the track rather well, too. Cheers!

P.S. I’ve been inundated with lots of great submissions this week that I’m still sorting through – I’ll do my best to get to them as soon as I can. Thanks for sending me such rad stuff, friends!

[ Matta - Release The Freq ]

Mighty Antlers

A man drives his car furiously down a narrow road, surrounded by a vast forest. When he encounters a deer in the middle of the road he makes a villainous attempt to ram it. However this particular hit and run has jaw crushing, battering consequences.

‘Mighty Antlers’ was created by four Danish filmmakers/animators: Sune Reinhardt, Mikael Ilnæs, Michael L. Fonsholt and Jouko Keskitalo.

[ Mighty Antlers ]

Realm of the Deer

'Realm of the Deer' by Alex Saberi

That’s a scene straight out of a Miyazaki flick.  We have Alex Saberi to thank for this wonderful photograph. Cheers!

[ Realm of the Deer ]

The Crossing

The Crossing

An excellent game by the super-talented Ferry Halim. Peaceful. Relaxing. Fun.

[ The Crossing ]


Peaceful fawn.

Taken at the Nara Deer Park in Kyoto, Japan by mcazadi. Click the image to see a larger version.

[ Love and Reflections! ]