Posts tagged 'Flame'

Match & Flame

Bizarre, alien and just plain weird.  Just think, this happens every time you strike a match.  Existence takes on a whole new dimension of wonder when seen from the perspective of 2000 frames-per-second macro-vision. Thanks, UltraSlo!

My only complaint is that there’s no soundtrack, I feel like the right tune could take this video to a whole new level of great. Anyone out there got any ideas?  If so, rip the video, put it to a tune you think appropriate, post it to the ‘Tubes or Vimeo (making sure, of course, to give full credit to UltraSlo for the original source material), and send us the link to where we can see it. I’ll feature the best one, right here on the site, and serve up some linkage of your choosing. The deadline for submissions is 12am ET this coming Monday the 24th (that means late Sunday night). You dig?

[ Match and flame in Extreme Close Up UltraSlo ]