This video has been out for a while now – over a year actually, which is basically forever in internet time – but we didn’t know about it ‘til Missy Shedlock suggested it to us back in May. We instantly loved it but refrained from posting cause, well, we couldn’t. Sure, it existed and all but never in a state that fulfilled the two core tenets of The Tripatorium™ simple, stringent posting policy:
1. Always search for an HD version of a video and, if found, post that one.
2. Any video that is posted must be watchable on the site.
The video Melissa sent in was in gorgeous 1080p HD but, because it was posted by VEVO (curses!), it had embedding disabled. Which is so inexplicably strange to me. They understand that I want to advertise their content for free, right? That I want to spread the word about the recently-released Jimi Hendrix album comprised of completely new material without expectation of payment of any kind? And they wonder why their precious ‘industry’ continues to hemorrhage money. It should also be noted that we found it on Vimeo but it was in standard-def (bummer).
Anyways, the video is so fucking great that I got fed up with waiting for someone else to rip and upload it that I did it myself with the handy-dandy Easy YouTube Video Downloader. I’m confident Jimi would be pleased with the bang-up, psychedelic, kaleidoscopic and colorful treatment String Theory employed to pull it all together. I also like to think Mr. Hendrix would be a fan of our humble little website if he were still around today so do yourself a favor and wait to watch this one until you’ve got enough time set aside to let the 1080p load full-screen and access to a nice sound system/pair of headphones that will enable you to give your maximum attention to the sonic stylings of a true master. Enjoy!
Thanks for sending this one in, Missy! Our sincerest apologies for not getting it up on the site sooner.
[ Jimi Hendrix - Valleys Of Neptune ]
posted by respondcreate on Jul. 20, 2011 in Videos | tags: colorful, fractals, jimi hendrix, kaleidoscope, music video, psychedelic, space, string theory, trippy, vevo sucks
I had mentioned Dave just moments ago and realized his vast body of trip-tastic work deserved it’s own entry. The six I pulled here are my personal favorites…you can see loads more on his website.
Rest in peace, John. :(
posted by respondcreate on Dec. 08, 2010 in Pictures | tags: art, biz markie, dave macdowell, elvis, hendrix, jimi hendrix, painting, pop culture, samuel l jackson, the beatles