Posts tagged 'Matthieu Bessudo'


NSFW Disclaimer: There’s some animated nudity towards the end so don’t watch this at work, OK?

We’re diggin’ this bizarre, monochromatic music video for The Dead Pirates created by Matthieu Bessudo and Simon Landrein. In addition to being a member of the band Matthieu is also known as Mcbess, a London-based illustrator whose work successfully combines a grab bag of influences from the early 20th century – like Elzie Crisler Segar‘s Popeye and Max Fleischer‘s Betty Boop – with a tight, sterile (but in a good way) and modern rock-a-billy aesthetic.

The attached is one of two videos produced at The Mill for The Dead Pirates. The other one, CH / CH, is quite a bit shorter but definitely worth a watch. Enjoy!

A big thanks is due to Drew for sending this one our way. Cheers!

[ Wood ]