Posts tagged 'Odelia'


“Now that television transmissions have gone completely digital you have probably seen this effect before.  You’re watching TV and then suddenly the image freezes.  Then, instead of glitching back to the next shot, its as if the next shot appears to be wearing the information from the previous shot.  It’s a surreal effect that can be hard to explain.”

Don Whitaker (of Squircle Zoom fame) wrote in to tell us about a video mashup technique called ‘datamoshing’ that, “uses video compression artifacts as a composition tool”. If you’re interested in trying it for yourself be sure to check out this three part tutorial that utilizes free, readily-available-on-the-internets software.

The attached music video – for the tune Mande Burung by Odelia – was created by Charlie Visnic and is an excellent application of the technique. Mind-bending, mellow and trip-tastic – enjoy!

Thanks for the heads-up, Don!

[ Mande Burung by Odelia via The B-Roll ]