Posts tagged 'Ratatat'


Chris wrote in again (he’s the kind fellow who sent us Wanderlust and Mykonos) with this wonderfully bizarre E*VAX directed bird-tastic music video for RATATAT. We love it. Maybe you will, too?

Thanks again, Chris!

[ RATATAT - Neckbrace ]


Colorful time lapse photography + Björk + Ratatat * Kaleidoscopic filtering = Some trippy business. Full-screen this bitch and bask in the vibes, friends.

Well done, RebootYourComputer, well done.

[ Kaleido-Lapse (Wanderlust -Björk (Ratatat Remix)) ]

Fluid Dress

Equal parts innovative fashion, bright colors, excellent music (provided by Ratatat...yeah, those guys) and tight, creative editing – this video by Casual Profanity is an absolute treat to behold.

[ Fluid Dress ]


Carl Burgess had a great idea: Take awful stock video footage, mess with it a bit and then set it to Ratatat‘s aptly titled ‘Drugs’. Sweet.

[ Ratatat - Drugs ]

American Software

I have no idea what’s going on in this short film (apparently it’s about Steve Jobs and Bill Gates?) by Gianluca Fallone but I don’t really care because it was such a treat to watch.  The Ratatat fueled soundtrack certainly helps.

[ American Software ]