
Khoda is a short film created as a student project by director Reza Dolatabadi . The film utilizes over 6,000 individual paintings shown in succession. When I first read that I knew it was an absolute must that I watch it. I suppose it is a psychological thriller, but I’m not sure. I was too busy gawking over the painstaking visuals of the film to really focus on the story. As the description says, if you pause it, you are facing a painting. It’s only 4 minutes long, but it certainly packs a punch. Turn down the lights and watch this one closely. I think you’ll be impressed.

[ Khoda ]

Mar plz

Love the style of Andrew Mar’s artwork. It’s jagged, surreal, rooted in fantasy, but very precise and drawn with clear purpose. Well done, sir.

[ Marak24 DeviantArt ]

The Splendor of Color

If you’re a regular of this site than I’m quite certain this video from hdcolors will be right up your alley. Ten minutes of 1080p, color-drenched kaleidoscopes served alongside peaceful ambient music. Nice.

See more on the hdcolors YouTube page or, if you’d like to watch it for hours uninterrupted on your teevee, you can check out the DVDs/Blu-rays they have for sale.

[ The Splendor of Color HD: A Kaleidoscope Video (Ten Minute Demo) ]

The Lynx Nudibranch

“The lynx nudibranch only dines upon hydroids, and is especially fond of Myrionema amboinense. In the video we observe the lynx nudibranch on the hunt. With sight limited to only the detection of light and dark, the nudibranch relies on touch and ‘smell’ to detect its surroundings. By sweeping its two oral tentacles open wide as it moves, it maximizes its likelihood of coming into contact with a hydroid. When they touch, the nudibranch reacts abruptly from the hydroid’s sting. Once the hydroid has been detected, the nudibranch is challenged with the task of eating it…continue reading

A huge thanks to MORPHOLOGIC for this fascinating look into the delicate ecosystem that exists on the shell of an oyster.  Check out their Vimeo page for lots more HD underwater vignettes.

[ The Lynx Nudibranch ]

Entering The Stronghold

German animator, Matthias Müller, created this marvelous reactive animation to accompany Denny Schneidemesser‘s orchestral piece, ‘Entering The Stronghold’. Best served with the lights dimmed and volume up. He was even kind enough to offer a link to download a higher quality version of the video...cheers, Matthias!

See more of Mr. Müller’s top-flight creations on his Vimeo page.

[ Entering The Stronghold | Audio Visual Animation ]


Be thankful, internet, for the bounty you are about to receive. If you dig these types of videos as much as I do ricardo montalban – no not that Ricardo Montalban – has moar where that came from.

[ Musicians With Guns - Astroblast ]


A simple idea painstakingly executed by German filmmaker, Tilman Singer. Well done!

[ Skateboardanimation ]

The Art of Eric Fortune

'I Want To Believe' by Eric Fortune
'I Want To Believe' by Eric Fortune'A Muse Among Stars' by Eric Fortune'Divided By Time' by Eric Fortune'Life's Objective' by Eric Fortune'Lost' by Eric Fortune'The Red Magician' by Eric Fortune

Eric Fortune’s illustrations/paintings are nuanced, delicate, quiet and drenched in emotional weight. It’s rare to find work that is both surreal and so natural to relate to. See more on his website.

[ The Art of Eric Fortune ]

Superior, Speed Fly

I have lots of recurring themes in my dreams – some awful, some amazingly great and lots of weird ones in between. One type that falls into the ‘amazingly great’ category is when I have the ability to jump great distances in a single bound. I crouch down, spring off and bound across beautiful landscapes; touching down for an instant every so often before taking off again. This video does an excellent job of showcasing what it’s like.

Cheers to Andrew Gordon for sending it in!

[ Superior, Speed Fly ]

Z Machine

The Z Machine

This is the New Mexico based Z Machine, the largest x-ray generator in the world that was designed and built to test materials in extreme conditions.

“The Z machine fires a very powerful electrical discharge (several tens of millions of amperes for less than 100 nanoseconds) into an array of thin, parallel tungsten wires called a liner (pictured here). The high electrical current vaporizes the wires, which are transformed into a cylindrical plasma curtain. Simultaneously, the current density induces a powerful magnetic field and their combination creates Lorentz forces which radially compress the plasma into a z-pinch process.”

Sounds intense.  Read more on the official Z Machine website or on wikipedia.

[ Z Machine (Wikipedia) ]